Sheeped Away (5 dakikalik bir animasyon)

Konusu 'Kültür Sanat Bilim Seyahat' forumundadır ve khephnes tarafından 25 Aralık 2012 başlatılmıştır.

Başlığı izleyen kişi sayısı 1 user .
  1. khephnes

    khephnes Üye

    24 Şubat 2012
    Ödül Puanları:
    Sinematik zevkleri ve bilgi seviyesi oldukca yuksek bir arkadasimin, bir sinema sitesinde onerdigini gorunce hemen izledim ve pek hosuma gitti. Eglencelik, pek sevimli, kisa bir animasyon.

    Soz konusu kisanin yonetmeni Junaid Chundrigar, Sheeped Away'e dair -ve konusuna iliskin- sunlari soyluyor;

    "Sheeped Away tells the tale of a farmer who just wants to be with his beloved sheep. When a giant UFO enters his life to claim his sheep, what will he do to keep them safe from harm? And can he do this without waking his monstrous wife?

    The whole point of making “Sheeped Away” was to make a tribute of sorts, to the old American cartoons I grew up with. They were not necessarily made for children but neither were they unwatchable for them. I wanted to make something just like that; something for both adults and kids. And adult kids like me."


    Iyi seyirler. :)
    Psychosocial bunu beğendi.

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