Konusu 'Uluslararası Vücut Geliştirme' forumundadır ve XboX tarafından 5 Temmuz 2006 başlatılmıştır.

Başlığı izleyen kişi sayısı 1 user .
  1. XboX

    XboX Üye

    22 Mayıs 2006
    Ödül Puanları:

    This is the very best deltoid exercise Arnold knows, and he always includes it in his shoulder routine. By using dumbbells in this manner, lowering them well down in front, you get a tremendous range of motion.
    You start in a standing position, elbows at sides, grasp two dumbbells and raise them to you shoulders, palms turned toward you. In one smooth motion, press the weights up overhead, not quite to the point where they are locked out, and at the same time rotate your hands, thumbs turning toward, so that your palms face forward at the top of the movement. Hold here for a moment, and then reverse the movement, lowering the weights and rotating your hands back to the starting position. Don't get so concerned with pressing the weight overhead that you begin to sway and cheat; this movement should be done strictly, keeping the dumbbells fully under control. By not locking the arms out when you press the weight overhead, you keep the stress on the deltoids the whole time. The exercise is half Lateral Raise and half Dumbbell Press, and works both the anterior and medial heads of the deltoids thoroughly.


    With this exercise you'll develop the outside head of the deltoid, with some benefit to the rear head.
    Take a dumbbell in each hand, bend forward slightly, and bring the weights together in front of you at arm's length. Start each repetition from a dead stop to keep yourself from swinging the weight up. Lift the weights out and up to either side, turning your wrists slightly (as if pouring water out of a pitcher) so that the rear of the dumbbell is highter than your shoulders, then lower them slowly, resisting all the way down. (A common mistake with this movement is to rock back and forth and swing the weights up instead of lifting them with the deltoids. Doing this cuts down on the effectiveness of the movement and should be avoided)
    Variation: You may have a tendency to cheat a little when doing Standing Lateral Raises. However, this can be avoided if the same exercise is done in a seated position.


    This exercise not only works the front head of the deltoids through its entire range of motion, but helps to create separation between the deltoids and the pectoral muscles. It can be done either standing or sitting.
    Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, held slightly away from you against the front of the thighs. Lift one weight out and up in a wide arc until it is higher than the top of your head. Lower the weight under control while simultaneously lifting the other weight, so that both arms are in motion at the same time and the dumbbells pass each other at a point in front of your face. In order to work the front head of the deltoids directly, make certain that the dumbbells pass in front of your face rather than out to the side. To do this same movement with a barbell, grasp the bar with an overhand grip, let it hang down at arm's length in front of you, and with arms kept locked, lift it to a point just higher than your head, staying as strict as possible, then lower it again under control.
    Variation: Do Front Raises in a seated position for stricter movement, since you can't use your body to cheat on the lifts.


    Stand upright holding a barbell at arm's length using an overhand grip. Raise your shoulders as high as you can, as if trying to touch them to yours ears. Hold for a moment at the top, and then lower them back to the starting position.
    Instead of a barbell you can also do this exercise by holding on to the handles of a Universal Bench Press machine.


    The military press is for the deltoid muscles. The front deltoid is the biggest muscle here and a pressing movement with a barbell is basic to its development. Your grip on the bar should be about 5 inches wider than your shoulders. Sitting with your feet approximately a foot apart, lift the barbell from the floor to the chest area, which is called cleaning the weight; then in a second movement press it slowly and smoothly over your head and lock your elbows. This exercise can also be performed from a standing position; however, Arnold prefers the sitting version because it eliminates excessive strain on the lower back. Arnold would strongly recommend that you use a sturdy lifting belt.


    The press behind neck develops only the front of the deltoid. Do this exercise in a seated position. Grip the barbell just wider than your shoulders. Let the bar down until it touches behind your neck, then press the weight all the way up and lock your arms. Many people only allow the weight to drop as far as the back of their head. This is not enough. You must have the full movement, that extra 4 or 5 inches down to the neck, in order to get a complete stretch in the front deltoid.

    İngilizce Bilmediğim İçin konuyu Ceviremedim Cevirici Programlarla Denedim Abuksubuk Şeyler Yazıyodu Bende Böyle Verdim...Sağdece Arnold Pres Değil Başka Konularda Ekledim...

  2. mastertrainer

    mastertrainer Üye

    14 Mayıs 2006
    Ödül Puanları:
    Boş gezen
    adamın lateral raises yapışı çok farklı,
    arnold gibi öne açış yapmaya başlayınca bariz bir biçimde omuz yapım genişledi...
  3. diez

    diez ADMIN Yönetici Admin

    18 Ocak 2006
    Ödül Puanları:
    gerçi yeri bura değil ama arnold da kollarını yukarda (hareket birişinde) yere doğru döndürenlerden..Bu tarz daha etkili..insan delt.lerinin yandığını hissediyor gerçekten.

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